Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Research At AIMS

The present areas of advanced clinical research at AIMS include: Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Nano Medicine, Inborn Disorders of Metabolism, Bio-degradable Stent, Heart Muscle Disease, Tumour Immunology, Electrical Disorders of the Heart, Non Contact Mapping and RF Ablation Studies, Atrial Fibrillation -Genesis and Management, Vulnerable Plaque Recognition and Management, Studies on Tropical Pancreatitis & Hepatitis B.
A sequencer and real-time PCR and thermal cyclers have been made available to enable provision of diagnostic genetics for common inherited diseases and also to aid in research. These instruments will also be used for microbiological and HLA-related research in addition to population genetics. Expression of relevant genes in tumours will be evaluated by real-time PCR. A homograft bank with a cryopreservation facility will also be provided for better management of cardiovascular diseases.
AIMS will maintain cell lines which will enhance the research activities in cell biology, molecular cytogenetics, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, mycoplasma and virus diagnostics. Particular emphasis will be placed on a programme of extensive quality and identity control and on characterisation of the cell lines.
AIMS has been awarded research protocols from funding agencies such as the Department of Biotechnology (GOI), the Department of Science and Technology (GOI), the Indian Council of Medical Research, and the State Department of Science, Technology and Environment. AIMS is involved in multi centred international clinical studies. Doctoral-level research facilities are available in certain areas of basic medical sciences and epidemiology. Given the competitive nature of research, our library provides ready access to current high-impact journals in all areas of biology and medicine with network computers. This is valuable for scientists as well asmedical students in training.
AIMS has a Scientific Review Committee, an Institutional Ethics Committee and also an Institutional Animal Ethics Committee to critically review the research proposals. These committees have been constituted meeting statutory requirements. Dr. Shantikumar Nair, Dean of Research; Dr. Prem Nair, Medical Director, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences;Dr. T.S. Ganesan, Chairman, Centre of Molecular Medicine and Associate Dean of Research; Dr. D.M. Vasudevan, distinguished Professor of Biochemistry; Dr. Moni Abraham, Chairman, Head and Neck Department and Professor; Professor K.R. Sundaram, Dept. of Biostatistics, work together to offer leadership to the research initiatives.

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