Thursday, April 30, 2009

Visual Communication& Interaction Design at IDC

Visual communication in a developing country with its varied cultural heritage has a vital role to play in the national development. The emphasis is on meeting the unmet communication needs for the community, for which normally resources are not readily available. The programme envisages developing graduates with better maturity in handling communication design problems, a deeper understanding of aesthetic aspects, and generating methods and processes for solving communication problems. The emphasis is to become a creative problem solver who can effectively use various design methods. The course is at an advance level to create visual communication designer with greater analytical and problem solving capabilities.
The students are given opportunities to learn new skills and to advance their level of understanding. They can also specialize in one of the many areas of visual communication like typography, information visualization, interaction design, video/film making, exhibition design, animation, photography, etc.Design and research work are directed at improving and advancing the current state of visual communication in the country. The preference during the programme is for doing work of permanent value.
Interaction Design; The Interaction Design program in IDC will strive to create people with expertise who will eventually emerge as leaders to influence the future of interaction design. It will create graduates with good analytical abilities, skilled with specific techniques, creative in their solutions, sensitive in their approach and knowledgeable about current developments in using new emerging technologies and exploring new medias. The program will focus on interactive medias, mobile communication applications, interfaces for software applications, interactive gaming and learning applications.
The program will have a specific focus on the needs of Indian users and the Indian industry.The students will have access to cutting edge IT capabilities, prototying technologies and the proximity to other engineering disciplines which would facilitate cross disciplinary and collaborative projects.The course contents of the proposed program have been designed to leverage the strength of IDC's current courses, complimented with additional courses to meet the new requirements.

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